Home Society Wanted for the truth

As it became known from our sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the well-known Russian oppositionist and author of the open “Letter of the Russian oppositionist to the Ukrainian people” Damir Khasianov, who is hiding from persecution by the Russian authorities in the UK, was put on the All-Russian wanted list by the Russian authorities.

Damir Khasianov wrote a letter of repentance on behalf of all Russians for the annexation of Crimea and the unleashing of a war in Donbas by Russia. The letter was published in the Ukrainian media, which caused extreme displeasure of the Russian authorities, which resulted in the initiation of criminal cases against the brave oppositionist and putting him on the wanted list.

We contacted Damir Khasianov and he told us that his family, which remained in Russia, is also subjected to pressure and threats from the authorities.

It looks like President Putin’s regime has finally degraded into a disgusting dictatorial prison.