Home Politics Boris Johnson to show his prime ministerial credentials

Boris Johnson to show his prime ministerial credentials

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The British media was all about the Tory Party conference.

  • Sky News reported that Boris Johnson, who is due to deliver a speech at the Tory conference on Tuesday, would use the occasion “to show his PM credentials.” The Independent said Johnson would “woo Tory members” ahead of an expected leadership bid.
  • The Guardian focused on BoJo jogging through a wheat field in an apparent dig at Prime Minister Theresa May.
  • BBC News reported on Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab’s speech at the conference, in which he accused the EU of bullying Britain in Brexit talks.
  • The Metro featured a cheeky piece on “How to eat and drink like a proper Tory during this week’s party conference.”


Demonstrations in Catalonia a year after its independence referendum dominated Spanish media.

  • El Pais reported on the tensions between protestors and authorities, and noted that according to police estimates, 180,000 people took part in the demonstrations.
  • El Mundo reported that the protests had turned violent, with hundreds attempting (unsuccessfully) to occupy parliament.
  • El Mundo also ran an op-ed by Emilia Landaluce, who labeled the referendum last year “fake news.” Landaluce broke down the events leading up to the vote as well as the subsequent developments, highlighting irregularities and illegalities, and concluding that despite that, “many still talk about the referendum … as if it had occurred within strict normality, and refer to the mandate of the poll.”


German media focused on a deal struck in the early hours of Tuesday morning on a package of measures aimed at staving off court-ordered diesel bans in the wake of the Dieselgate scandal.

  • Spiegel Online, Süddeutsche and Bild all splashed on the extraordinary overnight meeting at the chancellory — but had no details of the actual deal that was struck, which ministers promised to reveal later on Tuesday. Welt referred to the new measures as a “lane change.”
  • Tagesschau noted the coalition had also agreed on a new immigration law, which is now being drafted.
  • Bild also reported on the arrest of the eighth alleged member of the Neo-Nazi terrorist “Revolution Chemnitz” group.


French media on Tuesday focused on domestic politicians: the president, interior minister and former PM.

  • Le Figaro broke the story that Interior Minister Gérard Collomb had offered his resignation to Emmanuel Macron on Monday, but the president refused to accept it. The move is being portrayed as an attempt by the president to demonstrate his confidence in Collomb, who announced last month that he would leave his post after next year’s European election in order to run for his old job as mayor of Lyon.
  • Europe1 continued its coverage of Emmanuel Macron’s Saint Martin selfie.
  • PurePeople focused on former French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who said his decision to campaign to become mayor of Barcelona was related to a “change in my private life.”


Italy’s controversial budget and the resultant spat with Brussels dominated headlines.

  • Il Giornale reported Interior Minister and Deputy PM Matteo Salvini had a message for Jean-Claude Juncker: “No more threats, Italy is a sovereign country.”
  • ANSA also focused on the president of the European Commission. The paper carried a quote from Juncker, who declared on Monday that “Italy is distancing itself from the budgetary targets we have jointly agreed at EU level.”
  • Agenzia Italia reported on Macron’s #SelfieGate.