Home Featured Tory conference descends into Brexit punch-up as protester Steve Bray turfed out
Tory conference descends into Brexit punch-up as protester Steve Bray turfed out

Tory conference descends into Brexit punch-up as protester Steve Bray turfed out

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MANCHESTER, England — Anti-Brexit protester Steve Bray came to blows with a delegate at the Conservative Party conference Monday.

Bray, who has for years protested loudly against Brexit outside parliament, became involved in a physical altercation at an event organized by the Bruges Group.

Bray was heard to shout “where are your Brexit benefits?” before being accosted by a man attending the event.

The pair were then involved in a scuffle before Bray was escorted from the room.

Bray told POLITICO afterward that he believed he had been “assaulted” and that he had been acting in self-defense. But he said he would not be pressing charges.

The protester has been barracking ministers and Conservative MPs in public for years over their support of Brexit. He can frequently be heard from inside Westminster shouting anti-Brexit slogans with the help of a loudspeaker.

Monday’s Bruges Group event was due to feature input from Deputy Conservative Party chair Lee Anderson.

However, Anderson did not show up to the event.

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