Home Featured Top EU climate official Mauro Petriccione dies
Top EU climate official Mauro Petriccione dies

Top EU climate official Mauro Petriccione dies

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The head of the European Union’s climate division Mauro Petriccione has died.

Petriccione was a leading figure in Europe’s effort to end its contribution to climate change, leading the Directorate-General on Climate Action since 2018. He was previously a top trade official in the EU.

His death was announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Tuesday.

“Mauro was a dear, respected colleague. His work earned him respect and friendships in Europe & beyond,” she tweeted.

European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans, who oversees the EU’s climate efforts, said: “His kindness, warmth, humor and professionalism will be missed by all of us who had the privilege of knowing him.”

Petriccione was “a great Italian and a great pro-European,” said former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta.

Many others paid tribute to a dear friend and a fighter for the cause of a safer climate.

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