Home Featured Pay your 2 percent, UK’s Shapps tells NATO allies after Trump threat – POLITICO
Pay your 2 percent, UK’s Shapps tells NATO allies after Trump threat – POLITICO

Pay your 2 percent, UK’s Shapps tells NATO allies after Trump threat – POLITICO

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The U.K. also announced a new plan Thursday to lead a coalition of 14 other European countries, including Turkey, on multinational defense procurement. 

The two initiatives, according to the U.K. Ministry of Defence, “aim to increase defense industrial capacity across the Euro-Atlantic area, replenish stockpiles at pace, and continue support to Ukraine.”

The U.S. and Canada are not part of the initiatives, while France — which has been focusing on European Union-led efforts — is a notable inclusion.

Additionally, the U.K. joined — and will co-lead — a coalition of countries supplying Ukraine with advanced drones, vowing to send “thousands” of advanced “first-person view drones” to the embattled nation as it pushes back the Russian invasion.

‘All nations have a responsibility’

Thursday’s meeting of NATO defense ministers saw countries like the U.K. beef up security commitments to Ukraine and NATO’s eastern flank, despite Trump’s threats.

Speaking to POLITICO, Canada’s Defense Minister Bill Blair said: “All nations have a responsibility to make sure that our frontline of defense is strong.”

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