Home Featured Musk and Assange follow Putin, Trump and Stalin as Nobel Peace Prize nominees – POLITICO
Musk and Assange follow Putin, Trump and Stalin as Nobel Peace Prize nominees – POLITICO

Musk and Assange follow Putin, Trump and Stalin as Nobel Peace Prize nominees – POLITICO

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The names of Nobel Peace Prize nominees are not officially released until 50 years after the prize is given out. However, Nilsen meets the criteria to nominate someone for the prize.

Sofie Marhaug, a Norwegian MP from the left-wing Red Party, nominated journalist Julian Assange. She told Dagsbladet: “Assange has exposed Western war crimes and thus contributed to peace. If we want to avoid war, we must know the truth about the damage that war brings. Assange has exposed torture and inhuman behaviour towards prisoners of war. He deserves the Peace Prize.”

U.S. Congresswoman Claudia Tenney nominated Trump in January. He has been nominated in previous years, too.

Other previous nominees include Russian President Vladimir Putin (nominated in 2020), Joseph Stalin (1945 and 1948) and Adolf Hitler (1939).

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