Home Featured Italy’s Meloni, Schlein to face off in May 23 TV debate ahead of EU election – POLITICO
Italy’s Meloni, Schlein to face off in May 23 TV debate ahead of EU election – POLITICO

Italy’s Meloni, Schlein to face off in May 23 TV debate ahead of EU election – POLITICO

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Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who leads the right-wing Brothers of Italy party, will face Italian opposition leader Elly Schlein in a televised debate on May 23 ahead of the European Parliament election.

The long-awaited confrontation is set to take place on the television show “Porta a Porta” hosted by Bruno Vespa on Rai1, Italian media reported on Saturday. The candidates are expected to discuss key policy areas including employment, health and migration.

Schlein, secretary of the center-left Democratic Party, has been vocal against Meloni for her politics, including her proposal to change the Italian constitution to allow citizens to directly vote for the prime minister, which Schlein describes as a “a botched and dangerous reform.”

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