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Is the Labour left finished in Britain?

Is the Labour left finished in Britain?

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With Labour Party leader Keir Starmer dragging his party onto the center ground, host Aggie Chambre asks what remains of the left in Britain — and what the future may hold for this increasingly marginalized group.

She hears from three Labour MPs in the left-wing socialist campaign group, all former members of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow Cabinet. Dawn Butler, Clive Lewis and Ian Lavery describe a widespread sense of nervousness at being at odds with the leadership following what Lavery calls a “purge” of the Labour left.

Corbyn himself urges left-wing Labour MPs to speak up, telling them that “being silent is never an option.”

Labour grandees Peter Mandelson and Neil Kinnock insist Starmer was right to marginalize the left of the party, to make Labour electable again.

And Novara Media journalist Ash Sarkar insists there may yet be a powerful future for the left, sitting outside the Labour Party if necessary.

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