Home Featured Germany to take 2,500 Ukrainian refugees from Moldova
Germany to take 2,500 Ukrainian refugees from Moldova

Germany to take 2,500 Ukrainian refugees from Moldova

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Germany will take in 2,500 Ukrainian refugees who are currently in Moldova, Moldovan Foreign Minister Nicu Popescu said after meeting his German counterpart Annalena Baerbock on Saturday.

The meeting took place during Baerbock’s trip to Moldova and Western Balkans.

“Europe and our country stands in solidarity with you. We will take refugees from you,” she said according to Reuters.

Under the plan, people will reach Germany mostly by bus thanks to a corridor to be opened via Romania.

Moldova is one of the eastern European countries welcoming millions of people who fled Ukraine since Russian forces invaded the country.

The number of refugees from Ukraine has reached 2.5 million, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said Friday.

“We also estimate that about two million people are displaced inside Ukraine,” he added.

Moldova currently shelters roughly 105,000 Ukrainian refugees, according to data from the United Nations. More than 1.5 million are in Poland and around 235,000 in Hungary.

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