Home World ”Patronized” by Yanukovych: how ”baron” Andrii Biba is on the spree in Monaco

”Patronized” by Yanukovych: how ”baron” Andrii Biba is on the spree in Monaco

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The infamous founder of the BRSM-Nafta filling station network, Andrii Biba appears to have made a huge fortune thanks to large-scale financial transactions with fuel, which he was able to effect being close to the environment of the former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Several criminal cases are being investigated against him – money laundering of crime proceeds by organized gang and official malfeasances.

According to our sources in the SFS, the total losses of the Ukrainian budget from the illegal fiddles by Andrii Biba amounted close to UAH 2 bln. The investigation claims that under his management, BRSM network was engaged in sale of contraband gasoline. However, after explosion of the company’s oil depot in 2015 in Kyiv region, which cost several human lives, Biba and his family had to leave to Italy. In emigration, he again let his presence be known with loud celebration of his wife’s anniversary. This, in fact, suggests that no persecution by the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies prevented his luxurious life and such “bloodstained anniversaries”. More follows below.

Birthday in Monaco

Many domestic politicians, businessmen and actors pour a tidy sum of money and celebrate the half-century anniversary with much éclat. Someone prefers domestic establishments, not less bright than foreign ones, someone, on the contrary, is tempted by expensive establishments in Europe.

Just imagine, the Kingdom of Monaco, a fashionable club by the seaside, lots of influential guests, relatives and friends, who honoured the hero of the day with their presence, Russian pop stars, expensive treats… Do you think this is the anniversary of a famous actor, oligarch, politician or star? Not at all. This is the birthday of the wife of the scandalous Ukrainian businessman, Andrii Biba.

According to our information, after the “emigration”, Andrii and Svitlana Biba began to legalize the incomes siphoned off Ukraine by investing in the Italian economy. And lived careless lives like real Europeans. As some media wrote, the family acquired a huge villa in Florence, one of the most expensive cities in Italy, where the price per square meter starts with EUR 15,000. The total purchase price allegedly amounted to EUR 15 mln. The custom design of the entire villa costed another EUR 23.5 mln. Besides, the businessman probably owns the most famous winery in Italy, Fattoria Viticcio of $ 45 million worth.

On the background of life of joy in Europe, Svitlana Biba arranged a grand celebration of her 50th anniversary in one of the most expensive clubs of Monte Carlo, Twiga. Based on our sources, at the event expensive champagne was drunken and exotic food eaten to the accompaniment of Russian stars. Some guests shared photos of the celebration, not hesitating to publish them even in social media.

Guests from BRSM

Even the Director of State Oil Company, the US citizen Ihor Revko was invited to the anniversary. This company is an operator of BRSM filling station network, which is under investigation of the criminal case of theft of 2 bln of the Ukrainian money. It is worth noting that, as a result of tax audit, State Oil filed a lawsuit with the administrative court and lost all three instances in 2017. The court upheld tax notice judgements for 2 bln.

But in this February, as media reported, based on an appeal by the founder of State Oil, the court overturned all the earlier decisions and invalidated the additional charges in the amount of the same 2 bln. After that, a cassation appeal was filed, which the Supreme Court would consider under the simplified procedure, without summoning the parties.

The Bloodstained Anniversary

According to the investigation, the family money siphoned off and legalized abroad were earned illegally, and sometimes criminally, at the cost of human lives in Ukraine (remember the fire at BRSM in Kyiv region – Ed.) and broken fates of the victims due to the oil business. That is why the luxurious festivity in Europe looks especially cynical.

Dear readers, the journalistic investigation of “baron” Biba’s activities is continuing. In the next article we will show you how money stolen from the country was laundered and elite real estate in Italy was bought! More to follow…