Home Technology Space Exploration: EU won’t go into lift-off

Space Exploration: EU won’t go into lift-off

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Brussels has shelved its space policy, reports Les Echos. “What was to be a major priority for the European Commission, now that the Lisbon Treaty has granted it new prerogatives in thefield of space policy, has discreetly been sidelined.” In the current context of budgetary restrictions, the Commission wants “to avoid exposing the European Union to risks inherent in high-profile financing of major space projects” likeGalileo. As the daily explains, the space industry has responded with disbelief to the news that the Commission has set aside the implementation of a programme for which it had assumed political responsibility. However, at least Germany “will be pleased that the European Space Policy has been shelved,” continues Les Echos. “Many will remember the staunch opposition in Berlin to a policy that would enable the European Union to sideline the European Space Agency (ESA).”

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