Home Politics Poland is Europe’s ‘dynamic’ future

WARSAW — Poland is different from the rest of Europe, the author of “Poland is Europe’s future — but which one?” (August 2018) argues. This is true — but it is not necessarily a bad thing.

Poland is indeed Europe’s future. It is younger, more dynamic than “old Europe.” It’s been 14 years since Poland joined the EU, and it is showing the “old club” that it is ready to rock the boat. But Poles are also devoted Europeans: According to European Social Survey, some 86 percent of Poles would vote to join the EU if they were asked again today. These are some of the highest numbers across the bloc. Europe may be quarrelling more now, as families do, but young and old members will come together in the end.

Poland will mature. The European Commission this year proposed beginning accession negotiations with Macedonia and Albania. By the time they join, Poland will no longer be considered a “new member state.”

In 2020, our country will overtake Portugal in terms of GDP per capita and will be on its way to having a GDP per inhabitant higher than Italy. Experts have also predicted Poland could step into the space left behind by Britain when it leaves the EU. Without the U.K., Germany and France will be missing a partner. This is an opportunity for Warsaw. But it will need more soft power and even faster economic growth.

The government’s strategy for responsible development will ensure continued growth. Poland has increased its VAT collection and taxation of the wealthy, and grown its capital for investment and social solidarity. It is following in the footsteps of many of the older EU members that built competitive economies focused on export and innovation to ensure income security.

In the next seven years, Poland — and its fellow Central and Eastern Europe countries — will become full-fledged adults within the European community. They will join the ranks of their older and more experienced peers to jointly “deal with” countries such as Albania and Macedonia, infants with their own problems.

They’ll want to know about anti-corruption procedures, effective spending of European funds or carrying out reforms. On all of these issues, Poland will be one of the best placed members to share its experience with other countries.

Piotr Arak

Deputy head of Polish Economic Institute

Warsaw, Poland

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