Home Featured 6 times food diplomacy went wrong
6 times food diplomacy went wrong

6 times food diplomacy went wrong

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The Japanese were quick with coining a new slang word, “bushusuru,” which means “to do the Bush thing,” or throw up.

François Hollande and his wine

Former French President François Hollande, an informed wine enthusiast, scrapped a planned lunch with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Paris in 2016 after the latter requested no wine at the table.

The Iranian officials insisted on halal meat and a wine-free meal as per religious customs in Iran, where alcohol is banned.

However, wine is a mainstay of French culture, and the French officials refused to budge.

The Elysée had suggested an alcohol-free breakfast instead, which Iran refused as being “too cheap.”

Brazil’s president Lula left unsated

Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva criticized the quality and size of the portions he was last year served on visits to two of the world’s global culinary capitals: Paris and Rome.

Lula said he doesn’t enjoy food at official state dinners because “everything is tiny and restricted,” according to Brazilian outlet O Globo.

“There isn’t a big tray for you to choose and get what you want. It’s that little bit that you eat,” said Lula. “I honestly can’t get used to this. I need quantity. It may be gluttony on my part, but I like quantity.”

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