Starting from today we are publishing stories within the European data journalism network, the data-driven journalism platform that has been set up by a consortium of a dozen European media — among which Alternatives économiques, Spiegel Online, EUobserver and El Confidenciál — led by VoxEurop and Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, thanks to a European commission grant and enjoying full editorial independence.
In the coming months, VoxEurop and its partners will publish short stories, analysis, graphics, tables, investigations, videos and other innovative content that will explain European news and affairs and provide some tools for a better understanding of what is happening in Europe. In many languages, of course.
If not specified otherwise those contents are available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence. You are therefore free to reuse it, provided you comply to certain conditions.
Your comments, advice and remarks on how to improve the service are welcomed, as always.
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